...Some architectural renderings! I was hoping to bulk out my portfolio a little for the purposes of getting some freelance work on the side, cause who in their right mind hates money? This in mind, and knowing that there was not really a bustling market for freelance character artists, I decided to add some arch viz work. This is the result. I learned how to light and render properly using mentalRay and the daylighting system thanks to the Jeff Patton Gnomon video series, and a great book, called Realistic Architectural Visualization with 3ds Max and mental ray
In the end, I learned a ton and am that much closer to knowing everything about everything ever. Hooray for me.
And Now For Something Completely Different...

on Tuesday, April 05, 2011
Lighting / Rendering,
I've been spending some time lately doing arch viz, since it's really the only thing you can hope to get for freelance, and boy howdy, would I like some freelance. Anyway, after like 3 weeks of playing around with that stuff, I was DYING to get back into sculpting again, so I just kinda started doodling this. When I finished, I decided, "why not throw on a quick poly paint?" and so I did that too. After that, I thought to myself, "self, I've been spending a lot of time with Mental Ray learning how to light and render with physically based lighting, perhaps I should toss this dude into a scene" and so I did that too. All in all, I spent maybe two and a half hours on this, every moment of which was spent with me proclaiming "I'VE MISSED YOU SCULPTING!!!"
So in summary: bust of Kilowog - A member of the Green Lantern Corps. Modeled / textured / lit / rendered in about 2.5 - 3 hours, rendered in mentalRay. Feel free to C&C if you so desire, but like I said, this was just a doodle, and as such, there's not much chance of me going back to work on it.

Here's my latest work in progress. Sculpted over my lunches for somewhere around 3 weeks, on and off. I'm trying to decide on colour schemes and whatnot at the moment, then texturing will begin! I'll update again when there's something substantial to show on that front.
Forest Mage Sculpt

I've FINALLY done it. Steampunk-Man McGee is finally retopologized, and the normal and texture maps have been shifted over. I used this cool plugin for Max called Max_Retopo that shrink wraps any geometry you model around the high poly base. I've been using Topogun until now, but I think I'm gonna just start using this; it's easier, faster, and is one less program I have to deal with. Anyway, normal map and texture transfer accomplished with xNormal, and it also generated cavity and AO maps for me while it was at it. Finished mesh, with weapon and accessories weighs in at about 8500 polys. Production sheet below:
...Oh ya, the astute among you will note that the image above implies boylie3d.com to be a thing. Well, it totally is. It's my shiny new portfolio site, though I am already trying to sort out how to do the thing properly from scratch (this one was made with the free service Weebly, which is awesome if you're trying to get a site up in a hurry.)
Anyway, that's about it for now, I'm trying to sort out what I wanna do next. Hmm.......
Steampunk Dude - FINALLY FINISHED!

Texturing is now finished on most of my model, so I though I'd post another update. I just have the hard surface stuff left to do and it'll be done. I'm also about 1/3 of the way through retopologizing him, so hopefully I'll have a finished, game ready model in the next week or so.
I did a shader test for the head using the 3 point realtime viewport shader. Check it out after the jump >>
I did a shader test for the head using the 3 point realtime viewport shader. Check it out after the jump >>
Steampunk Dude - Textured (mostly)!

My newest project, made (for the most part) in ZBrush 4. I didn't really use a ton of the new features, but what I did have a go at was pretty impressive.
So I don't remember what kicked it all off, but I really wanted to do a steampunk character all of a sudden. I still have to give him hair, but I figured hair cards would be a lot easier then trying to do any kind of ZBrush wizardry to try and get it looking good. I'm texturing / retopologizing at the moment, so I'm hopeful that I'll be finished within the next week or so.
Steampunk Character Project

Mai waifu runs a freelance photography racket. She has a deal going up soon for folks in the Toronto area on StealTheDeal. She wanted a banner dealie to show when the ad ran on their site, so I sprang to action. Done in maybe 4 hours, and rendered in finalRender.
Side note: I have my newest character sculpt finished; I should prolly post it. Maybe tomorrow at lunch... MAYBE.
Side note: I have my newest character sculpt finished; I should prolly post it. Maybe tomorrow at lunch... MAYBE.
Freelance Site Banner, or Shameless Plug? YOU DECIDE.

I should really move on and start doing studies of other parts of the body, or maybe cloth, but oh well. For now, you get another bust. Did this one as a test in ZBrush4. It is awesome by the way, just in case you didn't know. Also a bit of practice for texturing, since I never end up doing them... Anyway, more to come soonish, model sheet after the break, etc, etc, etc.
Yet Another Head Sculpt

So first of all: first new post in forever. Sorry about that. I am working on a new big project; I'll post that when the sculpt is done. In the meantime you get this.
I played way too much Red Dead Redemption when it came out, and decided to model Marston. I ended up making his face kinda more muscular then it should be, and I'd planned on doing the hair in max, but well, you can see that didn't happen. Rather then have this model disappear into the ether, however, I've decided to post it here in it's current state. I plan on going back and at least finishing the sculpt when I'm done my new project, but well, I plan a lot of things... We'll see how it goes.
I played way too much Red Dead Redemption when it came out, and decided to model Marston. I ended up making his face kinda more muscular then it should be, and I'd planned on doing the hair in max, but well, you can see that didn't happen. Rather then have this model disappear into the ether, however, I've decided to post it here in it's current state. I plan on going back and at least finishing the sculpt when I'm done my new project, but well, I plan a lot of things... We'll see how it goes.
Johnald Marston