...Some architectural renderings! I was hoping to bulk out my portfolio a little for the purposes of getting some freelance work on the side, cause who in their right mind hates money? This in mind, and knowing that there was not really a bustling market for freelance character artists, I decided to add some arch viz work. This is the result. I learned how to light and render properly using mentalRay and the daylighting system thanks to the Jeff Patton Gnomon video series, and a great book, called Realistic Architectural Visualization with 3ds Max and mental ray
In the end, I learned a ton and am that much closer to knowing everything about everything ever. Hooray for me.
And Now For Something Completely Different...

on Tuesday, April 05, 2011
Lighting / Rendering,
I've been spending some time lately doing arch viz, since it's really the only thing you can hope to get for freelance, and boy howdy, would I like some freelance. Anyway, after like 3 weeks of playing around with that stuff, I was DYING to get back into sculpting again, so I just kinda started doodling this. When I finished, I decided, "why not throw on a quick poly paint?" and so I did that too. After that, I thought to myself, "self, I've been spending a lot of time with Mental Ray learning how to light and render with physically based lighting, perhaps I should toss this dude into a scene" and so I did that too. All in all, I spent maybe two and a half hours on this, every moment of which was spent with me proclaiming "I'VE MISSED YOU SCULPTING!!!"
So in summary: bust of Kilowog - A member of the Green Lantern Corps. Modeled / textured / lit / rendered in about 2.5 - 3 hours, rendered in mentalRay. Feel free to C&C if you so desire, but like I said, this was just a doodle, and as such, there's not much chance of me going back to work on it.