I made this card last year, that's why Gwen isn't in it. I figured this'd be the day to post this up though! Merry Christmas everyone!

Merry Christmas

As all 3 people that read this site know, I just recently had a daughter. As she is not a fan of sleeping while she ought to, I decided to make the best of my time and play around with new ZBrush (3.5 r3, if you're keeping score). Didn't really do anything groundbreaking, just a head study, since I didn't know how much time I'd have to mess around. Anyways, she's finally gone to sleep, which means this sculpt is officially finished! WOOOOOOOOOO! God, I'm tired.

When Life Gives You Lemons...

I made this a while back, probably around the same time as the snowspeeder, actually. Kinda just done for fun one night; I think I also just wanted a chance to mess around with the finalToon shader outside of work.
If you are unaware, this is the mascot of one of the bigger game blogs on these 'ere internets -
Destructoid.com. The mascot itself is actually based on the super popular '
smoking robot' toy. There's your fun fact of the day kids.

Hey Hey, Mr. Destructoid!

This one is from waaaaaaaaay back; thought I'd share anyway. I did this in I think 2 evenings after I found a site with tons of LEGO instruction manuals. After I built all the pieces I needed, this was stupid fun to do, cause it's basically just playing with LEGO but in 3D at that point. The plans came with instructions for a little satellite dealie that I made too, but it was kinda boring looking, so it got left out of the render. Anyway, there it is, in all it's glory

Lego Snowspeeder

It is finally done. The saga comes to a close. Check out my finished hulk sculpt and tell me what you think. Total time came to roughly 20 or so hours I think. Big thanks to
Garrett Hanna and
Behram Khoshroo for all the help with the anatomy stuff.
So now that I'm finished, I have to find something else to do; my next project. I'm thinking I should probably just do a straight anatomy study, and maybe after that, maybe Batman? He's pretty much my favourite. We'll see how it goes. Anyway, check out the pile of steamy render goo below to see him in a few other angles:


Spent some time tonight to add the muscles to my skull. I've gone this far, maybe I'll just go ahead and add the skin layer while I'm at it.

Skull Study - Now With More Muscle!

A few months back, an old friend from high school got in touch with me and asked me to do some art for a presentation he was giving on malaria. In the end, I did up a little like animated storyboard for him cut to some music. These are some of my favourite renders from that.

Josh King and his Marvelous Malaria Meeting's Models Made Manifest by Me
Alright, here goes, first art post on my shiny new blog:
*deep breath*

Human skull study. Done in about 2 and a half hours the other night. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, especially the teeth, which I kinda hated doing at the time. Hated A LOT. Comments / critiques, internet?

Skull Study
Friday, October 02, 2009

Hello World