A few months back, an old friend from high school got in touch with me and asked me to do some art for a presentation he was giving on malaria. In the end, I did up a little like animated storyboard for him cut to some music. These are some of my favourite renders from that.
Little known fact: Malaria causes Zombism if left untreated. It's science.
You know, ebola actually does kind of make zombies out of people. >_> I remember hearing about this one case where a guy had contracted it and felt really sick so he went to go see a doctor. The doctor treated him and told him that if he didn't feel better in a couple days, to return to the hospital. Well, just as he decided "I really need to go to the hospital", the virus had already killed him off from the inside out. So he was going on autopilot. By the time he had gotten to the hospital, he was pretty much already dead but his body was still processing the last thought he had before it shut down, so to speak.
...then he exploded in a bloody mass as the virus tried to escape and find a new host. >_>;; Woo, go ebola.
Wow. It was a pretty good ghost story, though. Maybe as a twist the doctor KNEW the guy was going to die for sure, so he let him go without telling him, secretly planning to break into the dead guy's house and steal his stereo system. Then when the zombified man shuffles into the ER, the doctor's like "Y- YOU! You're not supposed to be here! You're supposed to be dead!"
Well hello there, world weary traveler. How'd you get yourself lost in this 'ere part of the internets? What's that? Oh, I'm Dave Boyle, pleasure to meet you. A 3D artist by trade, though you might have already figured that out from having taken a look around. This be my site, "Dave's Digital Doodels", or"3D" for short. Get it? No? *Sigh* well it's a clever pun, but don't worry about that, take a look around tell me what you think. I'm always modeling something, so check back often. Hope to see you back soon!
Can't argue with science.
Query: Is devil cat invading his thoughts?
It certainly seems that way Orest, it certainly seems that way...
You know, ebola actually does kind of make zombies out of people. >_> I remember hearing about this one case where a guy had contracted it and felt really sick so he went to go see a doctor. The doctor treated him and told him that if he didn't feel better in a couple days, to return to the hospital. Well, just as he decided "I really need to go to the hospital", the virus had already killed him off from the inside out. So he was going on autopilot. By the time he had gotten to the hospital, he was pretty much already dead but his body was still processing the last thought he had before it shut down, so to speak.
...then he exploded in a bloody mass as the virus tried to escape and find a new host. >_>;; Woo, go ebola.
Are you sure you're thinking of Ebola Laura? Are you sure you aren't thinking about MALARKY??
Wow. It was a pretty good ghost story, though. Maybe as a twist the doctor KNEW the guy was going to die for sure, so he let him go without telling him, secretly planning to break into the dead guy's house and steal his stereo system.
Then when the zombified man shuffles into the ER, the doctor's like "Y- YOU! You're not supposed to be here! You're supposed to be dead!"